Optimizing your home: living green and eco-friendly

Husain Sumra profile image February 3, 2024 | 4 min read

Key Points

    • Get strategies for sustainable resource use.

    • Learn the benefits of sustainable living.

    • Get a curated list of additional resources.

Creating an eco-friendly home can involve some rather significant changes as well as a variety of smaller, easier ones. From starting a compost pile in your backyard to installing solar panels, there are many things you can do to save money while decreasing your carbon footprint.

Why sustainable living matters

From diminishing resources to climate change, the environment faces many threats, and the choices you make today affect the health of our planet tomorrow. Minimizing your ecological impact helps to protect the environment so that it can support future generations.

Eco-friendly practices for your home


Consider installing a programmable thermostat to have more control over your heating and AC system. Also, switching to LED lighting helps you save on your electric bill while caring for the environment. Weatherproofing your home prevents warm and cool air from escaping. Consequently, your furnace and AC don’t have to work overtime to serve their purpose, which saves energy.

Solar power

When you install solar panels, you’re using a clean, renewable energy source instead of depending on polluting, non-renewable ones.

Strategies for sustainable resource use

    Conserve water: Installing water-saving toilets and low-flow shower heads can help you reduce water use. Think about implementing a gray water system or collecting rainwater to nourish your lawn or garden. Even fixing a dripping faucet goes a long way toward helping you save water.

    Choose sustainable landscaping: Carefully select native plants for your garden. They are more adaptable than non-native plants and flourish with less water. Creating a rainwater garden is also eco-friendly, as it filters in a natural way, so the water doesn’t carry pollutants to streams.

    Reduce, recycle and reuse: Decrease waste by purchasing products with the least possible packaging or packaging made of recyclable materials. Designating containers in your home for discarded plastic, paper, glass and metal makes it easier than ever to recycle. Starting a compost pile is an eco-friendly way to dispose of food scraps. And reusing everyday items as much as possible keeps them out of the landfill.

    Use earth-friendly building supplies: Materials such as recycled glass, bamboo and reclaimed wood are durable and environmentally friendly options for your next renovation project.

    Buy energy-efficient appliances: Older refrigerators, ovens and dishwashers are less energy-efficient and come with high energy bills. When shopping for new appliances, look for the Energy Star seal, so you know they’re designed to save energy.

    Reduce waste: Start on the path to eliminating waste by keeping single-use plastics and disposable items out of your shopping cart.

    Use earth-friendly cleaning items: Buy or make cleaning products with natural ingredients to avoid adding chemicals to the environment.

    Install smart home technology: Smart home technology allows you to control energy use and reduce waste. Lights, air conditioning and even kitchen appliances can all be controlled by smart technology.

    Buy local and organic food: When you purchase organic, locally grown food, it doesn’t need to travel long distances to reach a grocery store. This decreases energy use related to transportation. Plus, pesticide-free, organic food is a healthier option for your family.

    Upgrade to energy-efficient windows: Installing windows with double glazing and proper insulation prevents the loss of cool and warm air.

    Get around without buying gas: Investing in an electric vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint. Riding your bike or the bus are earth-friendly ways to travel as well.

    Upcycle and DIY projects: Upcycling keeps items from ending up in landfills. For instance, giving an old piece of furniture a new coat of paint can give it a renewed life in your home.

    Simplify your life: Declutter your rooms and garage to create space and find items that can be repurposed.

    Help with community projects: Join a group that participates in projects designed to make your neighborhood or city more environmentally friendly.

Benefits of sustainable living

    Security for the environment: When you adopt environmentally mindful practices, you are contributing to a healthy planet for everyone!

    Saving money: Setting up an energy-efficient home greatly reduces waste and saves on your energy bills.

    Improved health: Taking steps to improve air and water quality contribute to the overall health of everyone.

    Setting a good example: Establishing environmentally friendly habits educates young people and shows them how to care for our planet.

    Self-sufficiency: Decreasing dependence on diminishing resources helps you develop resilience for the future.

    Community-building: Joining a community effort to improve the environment gives you the chance to connect with others who share your values.

Additional resources