Ooma Home Phone Blog

Understanding internet data usage at home - blog post image

Understanding internet data usage at home

July 2, 2024

Do you know how much internet data you use at home? Whether you’re streaming movies, gaming or just browsing, knowing how much data you need can make a big difference in your experience and what you pay for your internet services.
8 best calls to Dad in the movies to celebrate Father’s Day - blog post image

8 best calls to Dad in the movies to celebrate Father’s Day

June 14, 2024

This Father’s Day, we’re thinking about all of the times during the year when we call our dads. We call when we need advice. We call to catch up, and we call to tell them we care. While these calls to Dad usually happen as a part of daily routines, they can have a meaningful impact on our lives, and as we see in the movies, calling Dad can be an important part of a plot.
Four ways to connect with Mom on Mother’s Day 2024 - blog post image

Four ways to connect with Mom on Mother’s Day 2024

May 8, 2024

It’s nearly Mother’s Day. A 2020 survey found that 75% of Americans plan to send a gift for Mother’s Day. Beyond sending a gift, staying in touch by phone regularly is a popular choice.
Unplug to reconnect: how to do a digital detox and reduce screen time at home - blog post image

Unplug to reconnect: how to do a digital detox and reduce screen time at home

April 25, 2024

Do you often find yourself aimlessly scrolling through your phone? Scrolling social media is a common time suck, and while it might seem harmless, it has more consequences than you might think. To help you and your family find more balance with screen time, here’s a handy guide with tips and tricks to initiate digital detoxification.
Celebrating National Telephone Day: from string phones to cell phones and beyond - blog post image

Celebrating National Telephone Day: from string phones to cell phones and beyond

April 18, 2024

From Rotary Phones to Cell Phones and BeyondApril 25th is National Telephone Day! Because of this, now is a great time to think about the telephone, a truly amazing technology that has shaped civilization through its fascinating evolution.
Staying connected while studying abroad - blog post image

Staying connected while studying abroad

April 12, 2024

Studying abroad can be a great experience for lots of reasons. However, it can also come with some significant hurdles. Mainly, how do you communicate with your loved ones back home? Well, there are a number of ways you can stay connected to the people you love. Let’s go over them in this blog post.