Ooma Home Phone Blog

What should you look for in a Google Voice alternative? - blog post image

What should you look for in a Google Voice alternative?

April 8, 2021

Let’s review the predictions about Google Voice’s future and what you should look for when choosing a Google Voice alternative.
Affordable International Rates Keep You Connected to Poland - blog post image

Affordable International Rates Keep You Connected to Poland

March 31, 2021

The Christmas markets of Poland are festive events. Decorated with twinkling lights and often set in historic neighborhoods, they’re a Christmas tradition for families and friends. Typically, visitors stroll through the markets, shopping for.
What you should know about the 988 hotline for mental health emergencies. - blog post image

What you should know about the 988 hotline for mental health emergencies.

March 29, 2021

The 988 suicide prevention federal law is in effect. Use this short guide as a resource to understand the 988 law and the role it plays in making mental health services more accessible. Before going further, it is essential to note that we do not provide professional advice for mental health conditions. Instead, we are providing general information about the 988 law and how it may be helpful.
How to call Bangladesh with affordable international rates. - blog post image

How to call Bangladesh with affordable international rates.

March 8, 2021

Are your planning an upcoming trip to Bangladesh? The ideal time to visit is during the winter months between November and February when there’s a break from the intense tropical heat. During this time, there’s a rich set of cultural activities in.
Six simple long distance couple phone tips to stay connected. - blog post image

Six simple long distance couple phone tips to stay connected.

February 10, 2021

People in long-distance relationships face challenges staying connected. Fortunately, these phone tips for long-distance couples will help you feel more connected even if your partner is in another time zone. For variety, use one or two phone tips per week and see which ones work best for your situation.
Affordable International Calls to Mexico - blog post image

Affordable International Calls to Mexico

February 8, 2021

In 2020, staying connected with family, near and far, has become a lot more challenging. You might not feel comfortable traveling to Mexico to see family right now. Fortunately, calling Mexico from the U.S. is still an option, even if money is tight this year.