Voicemail Hacks for a Better Start to Your Workday

Every morning when you arrive at work, you’re faced with the seemingly archaic process of listening to voicemails, and you may often find yourself replaying messages several times in order to get all the details. Who has time for that?The Harvard Business Review commented on voicemail, saying, “There’s not a Fortune 2000 enterprise worldwide that wouldn’t enjoy a healthy productivity jolt by ridding itself of this tool that’s degenerated into [a] handicap.”
YakobchukOlena – stock.adobe.comLuckily, it’s no longer necessary to start your workday by testing your patience or wasting time. Learn about the advanced voicemail features offered through Ooma Office business phone systems.
s4svisuals – stock.adobe.com

Is There a Better Alternative to Voicemail?
Voicemail is still a necessary part of business communications. Whatever your target market, there’s no avoiding this critical communication tool. After all, voicemails are an easy way for customers, business partners, and colleagues to state their questions, issues, or requests.However, the productivity problem with voicemails occurs during the retrieval process.As Motherboard explains, “In an age when anything slower than instantaneous is unacceptable, being forced to dial into a voicemail service, poke in a passcode, select the option to listen to your new voicemail, and then actually listen to the – likely unnecessary, redundant, and lengthy – message is acute attention torture. It’s a four-step, multi-minute long process emotionally equivalent only to having to endure a full 30-second ad before a YouTube video or watching your Dad clip his toenails over the toilet.”If this sounds familiar, your business may benefit from one of these advanced voicemail tools.
Easier Access to Voicemail
With Ooma Office phone service, you have several ways to access your voicemail. Traditional methods include dialing into voicemail from your Ooma Office phone, an outside line, or through your business’ virtual receptionist.However, dialing into voicemail can be more cumbersome than you’d prefer.That’s why all users can listen to voicemail via email. When voicemails are emailed as an mp3 file, you have complete control over the audio, which can help you improve your business productivity.Productivity Hacks When Using MP3 Voicemail- Fast-forward through the audio track to hear only the callback number
- Get clarity by repeating only a section of the message instead of the whole thing
- Forward voicemail emails to coworkers
- Save time by eliminating voicemail logins and PINs
- File the audio tracks with client records to document interactions