Ooma, Inc. Environmental Policy

Ooma, Inc. seeks to establish and sustain a positive environmental legacy for us and for future generations. We want our products and services to be part of a sustainable society.

We are committed to:

  • Designing products to reduce their adverse environmental impact in packaging, production, use and disposal.
  • Reducing resource consumption, waste and pollution in our operations.
  • Applying the same environmental principles we follow to vendors, suppliers, subcontractors, retailers and recyclers of our products.
  • Giving appropriate weight to this environmental policy when making future planning and investment decisions.
  • Considering climate-related risks and opportunities when strategizing and making business decisions.

Specifically, where applicable and appropriate, we aim to conserve water, energy and ecosystems; to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (including reducing energy consumption from non-renewable sources), to minimize waste and to inspire public consciousness in support of environmental sustainability. We seek to identify and understand the direct and indirect impact of our operations and consider realistic solutions for mitigating those impacts. We also comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations.


Water and Energy

We aim to improve water and energy efficiencies in our existing operations. This includes water and energy management to reduce our consumption. For example, our headquarters are located in a building certified silver by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED. We aim to comply with all laws and regulations related to our use of water and our disposal of wastewater. We have had no incidents of non-compliance with water quality or quantity permits, standards, or regulations.


We aim to minimize waste in our operations and business activities. This includes disposing of waste conscientiously and creatively by making “reduce/reuse/recycle” our standard operating procedure. We also aim to incorporate waste reduction into our design of products, programs, and facilities, and reduce waste through end-of-life recycling.

We implement business waste recycling programs in our office locations, including providing receptacles for composting and for recycling paper, metal, and plastic products. To the extent practicable, we reuse electronic products and parts internally. When internal reuse is not possible, we work with vendors to recycle them.

We continually strive to identify new ways to make our product packaging more sustainable. Ongoing strategies to reduce the environmental impact of our packaging include using recyclable materials in our packaging, sourcing packaging materials locally, replacing plastic packaging with sustainable materials, and reducing the amount of packaging materials altogether.

Ecosystem Conservation

We support efforts in wildlife and habitat conservation and to preserving the earth’s biodiversity and ecosystem functions.  Where applicable, we aim to integrate natural resource conservation in our future planning, development and operations activities.


Where applicable or appropriate, our climate change strategy is seeking to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions by identifying the sources and proposing solutions, including source elimination, efficiency improvement, minimizing transportation and other fuels, and increasing the use of clean fuels.  We also aim to examine our supply chain to achieve improvement. For example, we require our vendors and suppliers to comply with the principles set forth herein in our Vendor Code of Conduct.


We recognized that climate change also presents an opportunity for those who will be part of the solution. Many of our solutions and services help eliminate commutes and reduce business travel by improving telephone and video communications.

In turn, our solutions and services can also help our customers achieve their energy reduction goals.


We believe policy changes, market changes, severe weather and other long-term climate-related risks could affect our business, strategy, financial planning, operations and supply chain. To address these and other risks, our planning identifies, assesses, and manages the risk of natural disaster, infectious disease, employee safety, protection of assets, customer service, and other business continuity requirements.

Our board of directors has delegated primary responsibility for the oversight of risks facing the company to our audit committee. Our audit committee charter states that the committee “will review and discuss with management and the independent auditor, as appropriate, the Company’s guidelines and policies with respect to financial risk management and financial risk assessment, including the Company’s major financial risk exposures and the steps taken by management to monitor and control these exposures.”

Environmental and Climate-Related Risk Factors

For additional discussion of climate-related risks to our business, strategy, and financial planning, operations and supply chain, please see the Risk Factors section of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, available at https://investors.ooma.com/financial-information/sec-filings.

Legal & Regulatory

We continually evaluate aspects of legal and regulatory risk in new product development planning and continuous business improvement. Our operations are affected by national, state, and local laws around the world. We have made, and plan to continue making, necessary expenditures for compliance with applicable laws. Climate change concerns and the potential resulting environmental impact may result in new or more stringent environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations that may affect us, our suppliers, and our customers. Such laws or regulations could cause us to incur additional direct costs for compliance, as well as increased indirect costs resulting from our customers, suppliers or both, incurring additional compliance costs that are passed on to us. These costs may adversely impact our results of operations and financial condition. However, our current analysis has not identified climate factors as an enterprise risk with a substantive financial impact.


Any of our primary locations may be vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. For example, our offices and facilities in California have experienced, and are projected to continue to experience, climate-related events at an increasing frequency, including drought, heat waves, wildfires and power shutoffs associated with wildfire prevention. Changing market dynamics, global policy developments and the increasing frequency and impact of extreme weather events on critical infrastructure in the U.S. and elsewhere have the potential to disrupt our business, our third-party suppliers and our customers, and may cause us to experience higher churn, losses and additional costs to maintain or resume operations.

Supply Chain

We mitigate supply chain risks through a variety of management practices, including multi-sourcing raw materials where possible, and maintaining contingency plans with key suppliers to assure allocation to us in the event of supply disruption. Our analysis has not identified climate factors as an enterprise risk with a substantive financial impact.


We depend on various components, compounds, and raw materials supplied by others for the manufacturing of our products. It is possible that any of our supplier relationships could be interrupted due to natural and other disasters and other events, or be terminated in the future. Our analysis has not identified climate factors as an enterprise risk with a substantive financial impact.


We evaluate the planned use and disposal of our products and identify hazards and risks associated with the use and disposal of our products. Mitigation of these risks is highly diverse and product-specific. Our analysis has not identified climate factors as an enterprise risk with a substantive financial impact.